May 23rd 4.00-6.00pm
Venue: QUT Gardens Point Campus
Join us for a very special D&D event – perfect for those of you who haven’t played before and a delight for those of you who know the game and who want to experience Matt’s high energy play test of his introductory system – bring friends and family!
Presented by: brIGDA, GO423, QUT GDC and featuring special guest presenter: Matt Ford
Veteran game designer Matthew Ford (Atari, Microsoft, Xbox, Auran, indie) has played and taught Dungeons & Dragons since its first edition in 1977. He aspires to introduce everyone in the world to this fantastic hobby that brings people together around a table to make stories together. Come help Matt wag his duties as the founder of a local security software startup and learn how to play! Even if you know how to play, you will enjoy Matt’s unique high-energy way to give a lecture hall full of newbies a taste of role-playing. If you like his style, Matt runs a regular table session for absolute beginners– good play and good insight into the craft of friendly Dungeon Mastering.
Eventbrite registration here: space are limited