2016 48hr end game BBQ invite: A decade of jam!

48HR on black

You are invited to join us for the 48hr game making challenge END GAME BBQ & Judges presentation

Date: Sunday October 2nd

Time: 4.30 – 7.00pm

Venue: The BLOCK, QUT Creative Industries Precinct (Cnr Kelvin Grove Road and Musk Avenue)

Join us to celebrate the end of the tenth 48 hour game making challenge. Play the games made during the weekend and vote for your favourite in the ‘People’s Choice’ prize category.

Play and vote: 4.30pm – 6.00pm

Judges presentation: 6.00pm – 7.30pm

Follow the event via our social networks:

brIGDA: https://igdabrisbane.org/48hr-challenge/

twitter: @48hrgamecomp
