Hello to all you emerging devs out there! This is an early invite and a call for volunteer helping folks for GO423 on Saturday December 3 at the Brisbane Powerhouse!
GO423 is our annual festival of locally made games with our own studios and makers showing off their work on the Turbine Platform. It’s on at the same time as the farmer’s markets and we get public flow though which means things can get quite chaotic so having volunteers wandering around directing and helping makes such a difference.
Plus for those of you who do come and assist, what a good way of making yourselves known to to the local game development community!
Sign up for a morning and / or an afternoon slot, make sure you plan to stay on for our famous Loot Crate Debate event – hosted by the always amazing Dan Vogt and featuring a number of local game devs – and our final social / networking session!
Google form for volunteer sign up