GO423 2019 Celebrating Damsel: Cause Distress!

A very special invite. Damsel will be on show in the #GO423 exhibition and will be celebrated super warmly as our special networking event heroine at the end of the day!

Damsel was always going to be a change for Screwtape Studios as our development prior had been on Mobile Games. We as developers always aspired to create something bigger.The game began production almost 5 years ago and we wouldn’t be here today without the hard work and support of so many people. From the talented people who came on board our small team to help bring Damsel to life, to the Brisbane Game Dev community, that has always been a massive source of support and inspiration, to Screen Queensland who funded the final development period. Damsel started in a hotel room at Melbourne Games week 5 years ago with only 2 people and is now finally released on Xbox One and Switch. When we began, we didn’t know what a wild ride it would be, from learning how to put a team together, to finding new ways to fund the game, not all of which worked out smoothly. We found our way however and couldn’t be happier to celebrate with the Brisbane Game Dev community the release of Damsel on console at GO423. So please join us for a drink and a celebration of hard work and community!