GO423 Eventbrite now open – 2 days of Panels, workshops, exhibition …


Now in its third year, the GO423 Symposium returns with
two days of industry guest speakers, panel discussions,
workshops, an open mic session and — most importantly —
the opportunity to test and play new games! ‘Routes’ is
the theme of this year’s symposium, reflecting the local
game-making community’s journey and the many stories they
have to tell.

> Free, register online


+ GO423 page

+ LOOK program

The #fab48hr 2014 LOGO competition



It’s that time of year again where we call upon you to design a logo for the Game On 48 Hour Game Making Challenge.

The winning logo will be used as the official 48 Hour logo for 2014 and will be presented on promotional material, including prize mugs, event shirts and online platforms.

Your design must:

– contain the line 48 Hour Game Making Challenge 2014 2014
– be at least 300dpi
– have a transparent background
– be a layered or editable file, preferably .psd
– be less than 1MB
– allow for various design uses including mugs and t-shirts
– have a lo-res version for submission (below)

Entries close Friday 25 July 2014.

Entry form

The winner will be announced at the 2014 Game On Symposium, 9-10 August.


2014 GO423 Symposium Call for panels, workshops and games for exhibition now OPEN

2014: Game On Symposium – Dates: 9 – 10  August 2014


This two-day symposium event returns for the third year!  We have chosen the theme: ROUTES inspired by the lines from the Frost poem – the road less travelled – because it sums up the spirit of our game making community who take the road less travelled, who adventure into terrain unknown and often insecure in order to make the wonderful things we call games ….

Guest speakers, panel discussions, workshops, test and play opportunities, an open-mic session and much more will feature during the Symposium weekend. The event has proved a valuable opportunity for networking amongst the gaming community and an important opportunity to show case work being developed in Brisbane and Queensland.

Come and play:

Call for panels and talks [FORM]

A first call for panel and workshop proposals. A panel assumes three or four people discussing a topic and taking questions on topics of interest to our game making community. A workshop can be a short session (50 minutes) or a half day session. We welcome stories.

Call for independent games exhibition [Exhibition FORM]

This is a first call for GAMES and INTERACTIVE WORKS for the public exhibition. We will have a dedicated exhibition space at the symposium venue and particularly welcome works in progress as well as finished works.

Cube Jam 2 Announcing special guest facilitator

Cube Jam 2: Date: May 10 2014 – REGISTER EOI HERE by Wed May 7th

We invite teams of up to three for a very special opportunity to design for a massive screen with one of Australia’s leading game designers.

Student teams, emerging designers, indie studios – all welcome

Cube Jam 2 Guest facilitator – Matt Ditton – Founder at Many Monkeys

Matt Ditton brings years of experience in making games and interactive installations to the Cube Jam workshop.  His specialities is making projects happen. Be it code, art or production Matt wears many hats. Before heading down to Melbourne, Matt was a key figure in the Brisbane game scene, he was Lead Artist at Krome Studios and Principal Technical Artist at Pandemic Studios going on to work with studios such as Defiant Development, Qube Konstruct, and Rezon8. He went on to become lecturer and course convenor at Griffith University’s Games Design department. His company – Many Monkeys Development – specialises in mobile games and interactive art installations – the focus is on fun, unusual games with story and charm.
Some of the highlights from Matt and the Monkeys team include Curious Creatures for Splendour in the Grass, The Alternator Project for the ABC, Melbourne Museum ScienceWorks Think Ahead Installations, Nestea Chinese New Year Activation in Sydney and a bespoke virtual doubles games for ANZ at this years Australian Open.

Cube Jam Date: May 10 2014

Cube Jam is a DESIGN JAM inspired by The Cube; a large, public, digital interactive environment. Cube Jam’s aim is to inspire ideation, plots, proposals and playful design (game design) that explores the potential of large public screens.

We are seeking teams of indie creatives, students and emerging professionals to come discover – share and meet the challenges presented. Teams can be made up of Game Designers, Interaction Designers, or Designers and Creatives from all areas – or a combination of all these.

Please register your EIO here and we will be in touch*. Come and play.

Date: May 10th – all day
Teams: Up to three people per team
Skill sets: Design – Game Design – Visualisation – Concept Art – Programming …
Lunch and Cube introduction provided
Presentations and Tea final event – invite your friends



Cube Jam

brIGDA in association with Game On and the Cube and thanks to some funding provided by an Engagement and Innovation grant are running a series of design jams centred on high tech public interactive screens …

The first workshop brought a handful of our most beloved, best and brightest Australian game dev professionals to explore and design. The second workshop invites emerging designers, indies, students and creatives to come and design ‘outside the box”.

EOI for workshop two is now available

The third workshop will be aimed at school students.


48hr 2013 Logo Competition Winner

The 48hr team tell me it was mighty hard to choose this year – a whole pile of absolutely gorgeous submissions for the logo comp – many congratualtions and kudos to all who entered and made their job so hard!

Meanwhile, there can only be one winner: Sam Poidomani (aka the pea) with this Pacman inspired logo! Do check out Sam’s other work via his sites


Will show you all some of the other gorgeous entries soon – if the competition is so fierce for the logo, what is the comp going to be like!?

2013 48hr Game Making Challenge – Registration OPEN

And we are back! back! back! The seventh fabulous 48hr game making challenge will take place between Friday October 4 – Sunday October 6. We invite you to register a team :). Teams should be up to six members. Please be aware that we only have room for 20 teams all together and that registering here is an expression of interest only. The magic fab48hr team will get back to your team contact person as soon as possible. Fingers crossed and good luck!

48hr 2013 EOI Form – EOI now closed

If you are not planning on competing but want to be involved: 48hr end game BBQ Sunday Oct 6th

Queries: Brisbane IGDA (brIGDA) fb group

The 2013 48hr game making challenge is kindly supported by:



48hr Logo Competion – will *your* work grace our website, t-shirts, mugs n badges?

And time for a new logo – we have had some fabulous logos in past years – who can help us with our 2013 48hr game making challenge logo?


The Logo is used on T-shirts, Mugs and Badges as well as promotional material so a simple (printable) colour scheme and / or B&W option is good.

Each logo must include the text “2013 48 hour game making challenge” AND should have a font that can be used for the specific awards (Winner, Best Graphics, Best Audio, Who dares wins & People’s choice).


Photoshop / Illustrator file – 300dpi

Address submissions to: emma.boardman@qut.edu.au (Subject: 2013 48hr Logo) by COB Tuesday September 10.

Winner will be notified by email
